What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) encompasses the comprehensive range of marketing strategies employed to acquire organic website traffic and enhance the prominence of websites in search engine rankings.

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As Mahmut AKCA, my first objective is accurately describing your brand and goals. I follow the procedures below in order to give you with a speedier and more dependable service in the field of Search Engine Marketing, based on my nearly 7 years of industry expertise.

Conducting keyword research is crucial for every search engine optimization (SEO) endeavor, and it is a domain where one should refrain from taking shortcuts. It is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of the manner in which individuals do searches for certain items, services, or information. The absence of this information poses a challenge in organizing your material in a manner that increases the likelihood of your website being ranked for pertinent search queries.

One of the most significant errors that a web developer may commit is prioritizing the optimization of their website solely for a limited set of keywords. Often, there exist keywords characterized by intense rivalry and substantial search volume, which are commonly perceived as essential for achieving success in terms of search engine rankings. The length of these keywords often ranges from one to two words, and it is quite probable that your competitors are also focusing on these keywords. These competitors have more favorable prospects for long-term targeting. However, it is still advisable to continue optimizing for these words. Nevertheless, the true advantage lies in using long-tail keywords.

The overwhelming majority of search volume is attributed to long tail terms. The aforementioned keywords pertain to more precise and elongated sentences that an individual would input into a search engine, for example “high heel shoes with a height of 8cm in the color blue.” While “blue shoes” may have a bigger search volume, it is expected that this word will achieve a higher ranking at a faster pace. Given the increased specificity of these terms, it is highly probable that clients looking for that specfic product will make a purchase.

Engaging in competition analysis is a strategic approach to effectively optimize a website. This might assist in the identification of areas that are not addressed by your business website. The tool will serve as a valuable resource in conducting analysis, performing keyword research, and enhancing content generation. Furthermore, opportunities for improvement can be identified within this framework. Outlined below are several strategies for conducting competition research in the realm of search engine optimization (SEO).

  1. Architectural Flow: Take a look at what your competitors are doing on their websites. This helps you understand how their websites are structured and what content they have.
  1. Keyword Analysis: Use tools like SEMRush or Ahrefs to see which keywords your competitors are ranking for. This can help you find areas where your own website might be lacking.
  1. Backlink Analysis: Just like keyword analysis, you can also analyze the backlinks your competitors have. Backlinks are important for search engine rankings. Tools like Ahrefs and Majestic can help you find out where your competitors are getting their backlinks from.

If the website is experiencing difficulties in achieving a high position, it may be advisable to initiate an investigation of its search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. A comprehensive examination is necessary in order to discover any deficiencies present on your website.

On-site Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves systematically improving both the HTML code and content of a website. In contrast, off-site SEO is focused on building relevant links and connections from external sources. The goal of on-site SEO is to make sure that search engines can easily find your website’s content and to optimize the content to achieve better rankings for specific keywords. However, it’s essential to follow proper procedures and guidelines. Each web page should ideally have a distinct theme, and the optimization process should be tailored to suit the particular content of that page. If the keywords being used don’t align with the main topic of your product or service, it might be necessary to create a separate webpage dedicated to those specific keywords. By optimizing elements like headers, descriptions, and subheadings and ensuring that content is well-structured, you significantly enhance the user experience by helping them find the information they’re looking for on your website. Providing accurate titles and descriptions is crucial because misrepresenting the content can lead to higher bounce rates, as visitors may leave your site when they can’t find what they’re expecting. This section will cover key aspects of on-site optimization, including HTML code, keyword research, and content optimization. The following factors are essential for achieving higher rankings on search engine result pages.

Off-Site SEO, also known as Off-Page SEO, pertains to the implementation of optimization tactics that operate externally to a website, hence exerting an influence on the ranks displayed on search engine results pages.
A significant aspect of Google’s algorithm places emphasis on the perception of trustworthiness that your website garners from the external realm, including the entirety of the internet network. The aesthetic appeal and high-quality content of a website alone are insufficient for achieving significant visibility. Without actively seeking attention, the process of attaining substantial recognition for a website might be considerably protracted.
The algorithm employed by Google, being non-human in nature, incorporates external signals such as backlinks from other websites, references in articles and news pieces, social media activity, and pertinent reviews and connections. These signals play a crucial role in assessing the significance and worth of the content present on a given website.

Organizations that engage in search engine optimization (SEO) require periodic and open communication of progress and outcomes to effectively assess their future initiatives and identify potential areas for growth.

What Do I Do in SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) encompasses two main components: on-site SEO and off-site SEO. On-site search engine optimization (SEO) encompasses a thorough examination and investigation of the design, software, and existing content of your website. Off-site search engine optimization (SEO) encompasses the activities undertaken to generate external references and direct traffic to a website from several sources, including external links, visual content, social media platforms, forums, and blogs.
A comprehensive report is sent to you, outlining the work conducted both on and off the site. The Google Data Studio reporting tool is commonly utilized for the purpose of generating reports. Data Studio allows users to conveniently access and review their reports at any time and from any location. The control and influence of studies can be assessed by utilizing Google technologies to analyze the most precise outcomes.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) encompasses a range of strategies and techniques aimed at improving a website's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The primary objective of SEO is to enhance both the quantity and quality of organic search traffic sent towards a website. The Turkish counterpart of the term "Arama Motoru Optimizasyonu" in English is also referred to as "Search Engine Optimization." Search engine optimization (SEO) can be categorized into two distinct groups: on-site optimization and off-site optimization.

In the present era, search engines strive to deliver optimal service to its users. Due to this rationale, the platform ensures to provide its users with the most pertinent content that aligns with their inquiries. Websites that have been optimized based on over 200 ranking indicators provided by Google have the potential to appear at the highest positions in organic search results. By implementing on-site optimization techniques and engaging in off-site strategies, it is possible to enhance the ranking position of your website in search engine results. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge that search engine optimization (SEO) is a dynamic field that necessitates ongoing evolution and adaptation. The dynamic nature of search engine algorithms and ranking variables sometimes leads to frequent changes.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing technique that prioritizes the enhancement of website rankings for pertinent keywords in search engines, with a particular emphasis on Google, in order to attract a larger volume of visitors. SEO work involves implementing the required adjustments on a website to ensure its alignment with the criteria established by search engines. The attainment of a higher site ranking through effective SEO efforts correlates with increased visibility of one's business on search engines, therefore leading to heightened levels of traffic and conversion rates.

In contemporary times, search engines exhibit a desire to deliver optimal service to their consumers, hence prioritizing the provision of highly pertinent content that aligns with user searches. Websites that effectively adapt to over 200 ranking factors provided by Google and are able to circumvent the algorithms have the potential to appear at the top of the organic search results. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge that search engine optimization (SEO) is a dynamic field that necessitates ongoing evolution and adaptation. SEO Service is constantly evolving and improving as it adapts to the ever-changing algorithms and ranking elements of search engines.

If one's website is experiencing difficulties in achieving a high position, it may be advisable to commence with an on-site search engine optimization (SEO) audit. A comprehensive study is necessary in order to detect the deficiencies present in your website. By using this approach, one may effectively address shortcomings, rectify faults, and establish a more robust framework for the website. Conducting an audit of your website might be beneficial in identifying any technical or content-related issues that may be hindering its ability to rank for specific keywords.
SEO scanning tools are available to assist in the identification of significant technical difficulties, hence enhancing the efficiency of the analysis process. The ranking of a website is influenced by factors such as its content and link profile. Achieving a favorable position in highly competitive search results might be challenging if one lacks high-quality content or reliable links. The implementation of software adjustments, in conjunction with on-site SEO analyses, has the potential to enhance the ranking of your website in search engine results.
The title tag is a structural element that generates the clickable title displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs). The title tag holds significant importance in determining the search-to-click rate. The initial content that a user encounters when searching for your webpage is of utmost importance, as it serves as the primary determinant of whether they will proceed to click on your site. Given the limited timeframe available, it is crucial to capture their attention and persuade them that by accessing your website, they will discover the desired information or content.
Here are few recommendations for crafting effective title tags:
  1. The use of keywords that are pertinent to the content of the web page is recommended for title tags.
  2. It is advisable to prioritize the utilization of significant keywords from the outset.
  3. It is recommended to maintain titles within a range of 50 to 60 characters in length. According to Google's specifications, the available width for content is around 600 pixels. It has been observed that a title consisting of 60 words can be accommodated inside this area in approximately 90% of cases. If the length of URL extensions exceeds 600 pixels, Google will truncate the displayed title, potentially diminishing the intended impact of the title.
  4. In order to optimize the effectiveness of titles, it is advisable to incorporate adjectives whenever feasible. The concept of comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the practice of implementing a wide range of strategies and techniques to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search
  5. It is not advisable to excessively incorporate keywords into your title. The presence of spam-like content may result in reduced user engagement and a decrease in click-through rates.
  6. It is advisable to avoid the use of double-header web pages. It is imperative that every page provides an accurate depiction of its distinct content.
  7. In the event that sufficient space is available, it is advisable to consider incorporating your brand name. This strategy has the potential to effectively enhance brand recognition. Having an established and reputable brand can positively impact the click-through rate of your search listing.
The meta description tag is a structural element that provides a concise explanation of the content of a web page to the user conducting a search. The description of a search listing on search engine results pages (SERPs) can be located beneath the title and URL. While Description is not considered a ranking factor, it holds significant importance as an element of search engine optimization (SEO). The provision of a pertinent, eloquent, and suitable depiction is likely to result in an increased click-through rate for search results. This, in turn, can lead to a greater portion of web traffic and a potential enhancement in search rankings, since click-through rate is a determinant of search ranking.
Below are many recommendations for crafting effective description tags:
  1. Please incorporate relevant keywords into the text without excessive repetition. The description of a search query highlights the keywords.
  2. The optimal length for the Description tag should be within the range of 150 to 160 characters.
  3. Please provide a comprehensive depiction of the information presented on the webpage. If individuals are misinformed, it is likely that the bounce rate will increase, which could potentially have a negative impact on the page's position.

Meta keyword tags are a type of tag structure that has been specifically created to provide guidance to search engines in determining the relevance of web pages to specific keywords. In the year 2009, both Google and Yahoo made public statements declaring their non-utilization of the keywords tag. In the year 2014, the individual made a public declaration stating that they did not utilize the search engine known as Bing.

The heading tag in HTML is a coding element that signifies the relative importance of each heading inside a webpage. In the realm of web development, there exists a hierarchical structure of headings that may be employed to organize content in a descending order of significance. These headings, denoted as H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6, are arranged in a manner where H1 represents the greatest heading and H6 signifies the smallest heading. Typically, the designation of an article, category, product, or service is commonly referred to as H1, denoting its status as the primary and significant heading.
The utilization of headings is crucial in the optimization of a web page. From an SEO standpoint, it is recommended to utilize a single H1 tag to signify the primary topic of the webpage. For all remaining subheadings, it is recommended to utilize heading tags H2-H6, based on their respective levels of significance. When considering optimization, there is no issue with utilizing several H2-H6 tags.
Undoubtedly, content stands as the paramount aspect in search engine optimization (SEO) for a website. The relevance and quality of the information on a webpage significantly influence its ranking in search engine results. It is imperative to provide consumers with highly pertinent, valuable, well-crafted, and authentic information that aligns with their queries. In essence, the emphasis should be placed on developing exceptional content, as exemplified by the adage "content is king." One should avoid the erroneous belief that content merely serves as an article to be incorporated into a website. SEO content encompasses a variety of formats, including but not limited to the following types:
The types of content commonly found on websites include product pages, category pages, blog posts, articles, tutorials, videos, dictionaries, and infographics.
The production of substandard material in a careless manner can have detrimental effects on a website, resulting in penalties such as poor rankings or duplicate content fines. Simultaneously, failure to incorporate valuable information in your content may result in the loss of your intended consumer base. Hence, it is crucial to possess the ability to regularly produce search engine optimization (SEO)-friendly content that is both engaging and enjoyable for readers. In order to enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) content strategy and acquire content of superior quality;
Please elucidate the domain in which you possess specialized knowledge and proficiency. To differentiate oneself from the numerous competitors within a given market, it is imperative to initially refine the target audience and identify a specialized subject matter that aligns with one's domain knowledge.
The target audience refers to the specific group of individuals or entities that a business or organization aims to reach and engage with through its products, services, or messages. In the context of a business, the target audience can be considered as the customer base or clientele that the company seeks to attract and serve. Please provide a response to the inquiry. Please provide further clarification regarding the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the current customer base that your organization caters to.
In order to design a robust SEO strategy, it is imperative to ascertain the objectives that will guide the implementation of said plan. Thus, it is recommended to compile a comprehensive list of goals that will serve as the foundation for the development and execution of an effective SEO strategy. The attainment of the objectives established will serve as an indicator of the efficacy of one's strategic plans once the culmination of the search engine optimization (SEO) endeavor.
Conducting keyword research and analysis is widely regarded as a crucial component of content optimization. It is imperative to identify and ascertain the specific specialized keywords that are most relevant to your content, and thereafter concentrate on including and emphasizing these keywords inside your written material. Detailed information regarding keyword analysis can be found in our post.
Developing high-quality content involves integrating all the necessary elements and commencing the creation of SEO-friendly content of superior caliber.
The placement of a link is another factor that search engines take into consideration. The extent to which a website linked to your website acquires weight or "link juice" is significantly influential. As a consequence of previous instances of abuse involving link selling websites, the influence and significance of footer and sidebar links have diminished compared to their previous standing.
Links embedded into the textual content of a webpage are typically regarded as more significant and are accorded greater significance. There is a commonly held consensus that the significance of a link inside the content positively correlates with the weight and authority it attains.
Google advises webmasters to prioritize the implementation of website security measures in order to enhance the safety of the online browsing experience for search users. Individuals who engage in information retrieval utilizing the Google search engine are more inclined to persist in their usage of such search engine in subsequent instances if they possess a sense of trust in the displayed search results.
When prospective consumers engage in online transactions to acquire a product or service, their likelihood of successfully concluding the transaction is heightened and their confidence is bolstered when the pertinent website is equipped with robust security measures, including the presence of a valid SSL certificate.
In order to incentivize website owners to enhance the security of their online platforms, Google has incorporated SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) as a constituent of its algorithm, thereby impacting search engine optimization (SEO). those that possess an SSL certificate are likely to have more benefits in terms of search result rankings compared to those lacking this certificate. While the possession of this certificate may not have significant effects on search engine optimization (SEO) independently, its integration with other parameters can contribute to gaining a competitive edge.
Link building refers to the practice of acquiring hyperlinks from external websites that direct traffic to one's own website. The process of off-site link building plays a significant role in enhancing the visibility of a website within search engine results pages.
The prevailing consensus in the field acknowledges that the quantity and caliber of hyperlinks pointing to a website and/or webpage constitute the primary determinant for search engine optimization (SEO).
In order to obtain high-quality connections for your website, it is imperative to have a robust and effective approach. Obtaining hyperlinks from reputable websites that offer high-quality content is possible.
Every day, a significant number of queries are conducted on Google, amounting to billions in total. The process by which Google selects and presents web sites in response to user queries is of academic interest. How does Google determine the criteria for ranking and displaying web pages in search results?
Google's search engine algorithm retrieves web sites that contain pertinent and valuable information related to the user's search query. The determination of relevance by Google's algorithm involves the process of crawling the content of a website and assessing its alignment with the search query. This evaluation is conducted by considering many aspects, including the presence of keywords and other indicators sometimes referred to as ranking signals.
To ensure the effectiveness of an SEO strategy, it is possible to categorize SEO efforts into two distinct groups:
All search engine optimization (SEO) tactics are implemented inside the confines of your website.
On-page SEO pertains to the strategic development of content with the objective of enhancing one's rankings in search engine results. To optimize your webpages and enhance their visibility, it is crucial to strategically integrate your designated keywords into the content. Furthermore, maintaining a consistent production of high-quality material is essential. Additionally, it is imperative to ensure that your meta tags and titles are both well-crafted and rich in relevant keywords.
Off-page SEO refers to a collection of techniques employed to enhance the visibility and reputation of a website on external platforms, distinct from the website itself.
Off page SEO success is contingent upon its integration as a fundamental component.
Both on-page and off-page search engine optimization (SEO) strategies are implemented with the goal of enhancing the accessibility and credibility of a website for both users and search engines. The production of high-quality content tailored to the intended audience has the potential to enhance website traffic and bolster the overall credibility and influence of the website.
In essence, search engine optimization (SEO) entails the process of demonstrating to search engines that your material is the most optimal outcome. The primary objective is to present the most optimal and pertinent outcomes to the users.
Currently, mobile devices account for almost 60% of total search requests. Hence, Google prioritizes websites that enhance their mobile usability in order to provide an optimal search experience.
Given the prevailing trend of mobile-based searches, Google has initiated the development of its indexes with a mobile-first approach. Google provides site owners with information regarding the specific day on which their website will be included in the mobile-first index through the Search Console.
The process of developing a mobile-compatible web page involves implementing design and development techniques that ensure optimal display and functionality across various mobile devices.
There exist several measures that can be undertaken to enhance mobile compatibility. The predominant approach involves the implementation of responsive designs, commonly referred to as Responsive Web Design (RWD), which adapt dynamically to accommodate varying browser sizes. Another approach involves having many versions of a website tailored to different platforms, with servers identifying the user's device and displaying the appropriate design. However, this strategy has been superseded by responsive designs from 2010.
There are several benefits associated with the implementation of responsive design.
  1. In the context of responsive design, it is unnecessary to uphold many pages for same content.
  2. The probability of encountering typical problems that result in the blocking of JavaScript, CSS, and picture files on mobile sites is diminished.
  3. There is no need for redirection when the image is optimized based on the device being used by the users, resulting in an enhanced loading speed.
  4. In the context of responsive design, the utilization of Googlebot is advantageous in terms of resource conservation during site crawling. This is due to the fact that, rather than conducting multiple crawls to obtain various iterations of the material, a single crawl suffices for responsive web design sites.
Structured data refers to a standardized format that aids search engines in comprehending the content present on a website. This format was developed through a collaborative effort between Schema.org, Google, Bing, Yandex, and Yahoo.
Although there is now no definitive proof supporting the notion that structured data directly enhances search ranks, it does, nevertheless, contribute to the augmentation of click-through rates. The inclusion of structured data in Google's search results is due to its distinctive nature. An instance of a webpage that has organized data can be shown as visual data inside search results, hence enhancing the probability of user engagement with the webpage.
  1. Content Map (It is preferred to display the page's position inside the site's hierarchical structure.)
  2. The term "band" is commonly utilized in conjunction with other types of data, such as recipes, courses, and restaurants, to enhance its functionality and applicability.
  3. Event (This category is suitable for the enumeration of events such as concerts or arts festivals.)
  4. Fact Checking: Evaluating the Credibility of a Source for a Claim
  5. Frequently Asked queries (FAQs) are compilations of commonly posed queries together with corresponding answers pertaining to a particular subject matter.
  6. Job advertisements (preferably should be included in Google job posts).
  7. The local business provides comprehensive details like its operating hours, ratings, and directions.
  8. Projected Compensation (Encompasses data pertaining to wage brackets based on job category and geographical area.)
  9. The video platform offers users the ability to select certain chunks of a video and also provides the option for live playback.
The optimization of loading speed for mobile pages is a crucial factor in search engine optimization (SEO). In 2015, Google commenced its support for the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) initiative, subsequently including AMP lists into mobile search results from 2016 onwards.
The comparison between AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and responsive design is a topic of interest in the field of web development.
The utilization of AMP and responsive design presents distinct advantages and limitations. While responsive web design (RWD) is specifically developed to deliver an optimal user experience, accelerated mobile pages (AMP) are designed to ensure fast loading times while maintaining the integrity of the page layout. The selection between AMP and RWD is contingent upon the specific requirements at hand.
The placement of URLs in the initial section of a search interface is crucial for user engagement. From a user experience standpoint, it is imperative to select URL formats that are uncomplicated, easily comprehensible, and align with the website's hierarchical structure. Simultaneously, the configuration of URL structures possesses the capacity to impact the search ranking of a website. In this context, several factors can be identified for consideration, which are outlined below:
Incorporating keywords into the URL is considered a beneficial approach, provided that the chosen keywords appropriately reflect the content of the webpage. This feature enhances the search user's confidence in the relevance of the webpage's content, while simultaneously reinforcing crucial keywords for search engine optimization. When considering the blue shoes example, it is evident that an SEO-friendly URL would be represented as "/blue-shoes/".
It is not advisable to excessively incorporate keywords into page URLs. Excessive keyword usage within a URL can potentially yield negative consequences rather than the intended advantages. When excessive optimization occurs, search engine users may regard the URL as spam-like, perhaps leading to a poor perception by the search engine. A URL that is excessively filled with keywords can be observed in the following format: "/shoes/blue-shoes/blue-suede/best-blue-suede-footwear/".
It is important to be mindful of the length of URLs. It is advisable to minimize the length of your URL. Google has the capability to shorten excessively long URLs, which has the potential to impact the click-through rate.
  It is advisable to refrain from using dynamic URL lines. It is advisable to prioritize the use of static URLs containing relevant keywords over dynamic URLs that include symbols and numbers, whenever feasible. A dynamic URL is characterized by the presence of parameters that modify the content displayed on a webpage. An example of a dynamic URL is "/cat/?P=3487".
In order to comprehend the significance of on-site connecting, it is imperative to delve into the notion of "link juice". Link juice refers to the authoritative or valuable influence that is transferred through hyperlinks from one webpage to another or from one domain to another. Consequently, each hyperlink, whether internal or external to the website, possesses inherent significance.
When generating material for your website, it is advantageous to conduct research to determine if there are other web pages within your site that are appropriate for establishing links to this content. If such pages exist, it is recommended to incorporate these links. This endeavor will facilitate the transmission of "link juice" and additionally provide users the opportunity to access other pertinent information on your website, thereby enhancing user-friendliness. This study can also be implemented in other contexts, allowing for the transfer of value from other online platforms.
Off-site search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the range of activities conducted beyond the confines of a website with the objective of enhancing its ranking on search engines. When discussing off-site SEO, backlinks are often the primary focus. However, it is important to note that off-site SEO encompasses various other variables, like content marketing, podcasts, social media, and YouTube SEO efforts.
Off-site search engine optimization (SEO) is an initial strategy employed subsequent to successful on-site optimization efforts. It entails establishing a presence on external platforms and enhancing competitiveness in order to bolster one's authority. When discussing off-site SEO, the primary aspect that is often considered is the concept of backlinks, which refers to hyperlinks originating from one webpage and leading to another webpage on a different website. These hyperlinks serve as indicators to search engines, suggesting that the content you provide possesses significant value and credibility. Enhancing the likelihood of achieving a prominent position in competitive search terms can be facilitated through the acquisition of backlinks from reputable and high-caliber websites that bear relevance to one's own site. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that off-site search engine optimization (SEO) encompasses more than solely backlinks, necessitating the formulation of comprehensive strategies to address other off-site factors. To acquire comprehensive insights into off-site SEO and gain a comprehensive understanding of formulating effective off-site SEO strategies, please refer to the article titled "What is Off-site SEO?" Methods for Accomplishing a Task Users are able to have access to our material.
The term "anchor text" refers to the clickable and visually emphasized hypertext present on a webpage, which serves the purpose of redirecting users to another webpage. The manner in which websites establish links to your website has a significant impact on search engine algorithms, and anchor text constitutes a crucial component of this equation. Text is seen by search engines as an indicator of the level of relevance a web page has to specific search queries.
An instance of incorporating a hyperlink to a fashion blog using the anchor text "Blue Shoes" serves as an indication to search engines that the content of your website pertains to the subject matter of "blue shoes."
Historically, the quantity of hyperlinks directed towards a website with specific keywords has been positively correlated with its likelihood of achieving a higher ranking for these keywords. Although there is still some influence, the presence of a significant proportion of links with keywords may arouse suspicion among search engines, suggesting deliberate efforts to manipulate search results.
A typical link profile in the realm of search engine optimization often has a diverse range of anchor text variations, encompassing content that incorporates the brand name of a certain website.